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I Cheat on my Wife...And It's Her Fault!

“The problem is that once a woman hears the two words ‘I do’, her attitude changes” he said to me matter-of-factly in response to my question “why do you think men cheat on their wives?” I was having this interesting conversation with Mr. Brian (not his real name) who had been married for over 15 years and well…has apparently had his fair share of extra-marital affairs. For me, this was an opportunity to take a walk in the mind of a type of man many of us are quick to judge – the cheating spouse. While I do not agree with everything Mr. Brian said, he made a number of valid points that I’d like to share.

Of course he places 80% of the blame of the cheating husband on the woman. His premise is that once a man marries a woman, the woman’s attitude changes because she believes she has conquered him. She often abandons the precedents that she had set before marriage, forgetting that those old habits were the very reason the man married her.

In his wife’s case for instance, before they got married, she would go out of way to make sure that every strand of her hair was in place, all for him. But now she hardly even cares to look good for him anymore. In fact, typically, she would rush out of their house in the morning looking unkempt, do her make-up and hair in her car just before she steps out to meet the rest of the world, and by the time she’s on her way home in the evening, her hair is disheveled again, her face is oily from the day’s stress, and she’s taken off her jewelry for comfort on the long ride home. She forgets that her husband is the one person in the world who needs to see her looking her best as often as possible. It’s as if she takes it for granted that her husband should ALWAYS FIND HER ATTRATIVE, afterall, they’re married.

His wife who used to wait on him hand and foot before they got married can hardly find the time to even fix him a meal anymore. Instead he is left in care of the domestic help who serves him breakfast in bed, dressed up in his wife’s hand-me-down clothes. And he’s wondering to himself “is this some kind of sick joke?!”

The same woman who used to make out with him in odd places before they got married now feels insulted when he suggests that they sneak away and get naughty in the middle of a party, forgetting that her naughty side was one of the very things that attracted him to her in the first place. In fact, this prudish attitude is carried over to their sexual life where a suggestion from him that they try a new “position” earns him the sharp end of her tongue. Her typical response would be “Don’t try all those styles you do with all those small girls outside with me o!” Sex therefore has become a routine as it only happens under the covers with the lights off.

Mr. Brian went on to tell me how he is always amazed whenever he hears a woman say that her husband hasn’t touched her in years. If the man doesn’t make the first move, shouldn’t the woman take the initiative? After all, only a few men can resist a carefully planned seduction scheme by their wives.

He also mentioned that contrary to what most women believe, the average man does not cheat simply because of libido or the need to satisfy a sexual desire. In fact, the initial decision to be unfaithful is rarely ever a rational choice; instead infidelity is usually driven by circumstances and emotions, often brought about by something they share with these new women that they do not have with their wives anymore. It could be communication, acceptance or simply fun and laughter. That is why 50-75 percent of extramarital affairs take place in the work place as more time is spent at the work than at home.

Of course I’m not an authority in marriage counseling in any way but here is my humble opinion. While I do not totally agree with all of the things Mr. Brian said, I realized that there are a lot of things that we women take for granted and often make the difference between a healthy marriage and an unhealthy one. For instance, under no circumstances should we set a precedence that can’t be continued after marriage. Don’t go visiting the man’s mother every weekend bearing gifts if you know you won’t be able to maintain that habit after marriage. Many women make the mistake of selling an impression of themselves to a man that is not a true reflection of their real selves only for their true natures to show up after marriage. Don’t pretend to be a carefree and playful person around him if who you really are, is a reserved person. Others take for granted those simple moments of sharing, communication, laughter, friendship, devoting so much time and attention to the children, jobs and house-keeping. While all these are important, devotion of too much energy to them shouldn’t be the reason the home is torn apart. And to the men, even if you feel dissatisfaction with your wife in a gazillion ways, cheating on her will not solve the problem. If anything, it will only make it worse.

That being said, some men still cheat on their wives, regardless of how “perfect” things are in the home. What then does a woman do in this case? Do you agree with Mr. Brian that the woman holds the aces when it comes to keeping a leash on her husband's polygamous tendencies? Even if one’s wife is failing in certain regard, isn’t there a way to communicate her lapses to her rather than seek solace in a strange woman’s arms? Should a man cheat on his wife FOR ANY REASON? Dear reader, let me know your thoughts.


  1. Nice one, Dammy! Under no circumstance should a REAL man cheat on his wife. My take is both spouses should take responsibility for making the marriage a success regardless of what the other person does or does not do. Perhaps, it could be like both parties making a resolution like 'I'm a failure if my marriage does not work'. But the key is that this has to be mutual.

  2. Nice piece Dammy.... Seriously, marriage as an instituted learning 'platform" to live together as hubby n wifey such be held in high regards. No Real and God-fearing man should cheat on his wife...and vice-versa. No reason holds water!!! Sit and communicate whatever ills/issues affecting your marriage and fix 'em. Everyday you wake up; reassure yourself: I'm already in this, I can't afford to fail!

  3. dammy, this is so true and i have to admit that not all of this is the woman's fault. Do u know that that the woman's work doubles when she gets married? She has not only herself and work to care for.She has to be a wife, a mother, a good cook and she has to work too. Do u know that she juggles these tasks and tries not to fail at any? yet, her man who should appreciate her says she is losing focus. maybe, he should help her out a bit. Take her on a vacation, go to the salon with her, help out ion the kitchen, say thank you for her efforts at making the kids neat and ready for school. maybe if he does that, then she will be pretty and attractive again to him.

  4. A nice piece but marriage at times is not that simple.There are tons of things that needs serious consideration regarding the institution called "MARRIAGE".Truth is most people assume marriage is synonymous with dating which is absolutely untrue and therefore are actuallu quite unprepared for it.Even people that are prepared still face daunting challenges.Then the children come into play.Question is how can the balance be achieved between maintaining why your hubby fell in love with you,caring for your children(which is ofcourse a bit challenging) and juggling work and other unforeseen domestic and family issues....Word,Marriage is not as simple as it seems.However,maybe a bit more is still needed to discover Why most men will always cheat.

  5. Brilliant piece! well, 2 important questions we must ask first? 1. Difference between a marriage and a relationship? and 2). why do we or must we Marry?.

    The issue is, if a couple married for the wrong reasons in the first place- e.g. social or family pressure etc. then yea the probability of ending up with a cheating spouse will be high!! because like the author noted, Once those REASONS start to fade or get strained, then their love or affection might also start to fade.

    But it still does not warrant for anyone to cheat- so why do people cheat? Because THEY ARE JUST CHEATS! it is no fault of their other half ( regardless of the situation), they will still do it countless times no matter what! so a cheat simply should not get married until he/she is maybe sure of what they are getting into.

  6. Niyi Adeyemi
    My lady, this is definitely an interesting piece. However, I feel it is too one-sided. Now, this write-up explains the reasons (Mr. brian’s) why men cheat premising it on the woman’s lapses. It is basically the perception of one man…it is insufficient to produce general reasons for infedlity in marriages. Have you ever considered that there are some men who have an incurable desire for adventures? Even when the wife at home is ‘perfect’, they still seek more adventures outside and we know every criminal has an excuse for their acts (most times, they shift the blame). So, I really don’t think these flimpsy excuses of Mr. Brian justify his extra-marital adventures.
    As an anonymous contributor wrote that when a woman gets married, her responsibilities double; a whole new era begins and in the process of trying to satisfy or juggle all these new responsilities, some things might just not add up hence, she will most likely forget to do some things e.g. the make-ups, manicures, etc If any man marries a lady simply becos she make-ups a lot, she does the ‘naugthies’ at parties or obscures etc, then he is in for a big flop because the lady will definitely, at one point or the other, forget to do some of these things and then problem sets in for the man. I think marriage is far beyond the surface, it goes deeper.


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